Saturday, May 30, 2015

My Day in One.... Moving Edition

   Don't tell me you haven't loved something in your life. Be it a person, a stuffed animal, a pet, a color, a song, you still loved it. Or maybe you loved a house, a home. Yeah, I loved my home. We, meaning my family and I, have been moving for like, a week. We decided not to get a U-haul because it made things easier. We just about have everything out of the "Old House."

   Don't get me wrong, I mean, I love the new house. Five and a half acres, a horse next door who loves peppermints, a really big house with three bedrooms, two and a half baths, an office, a gaming room, a living room, and 42 windows. It's all amzing. Oh, did I mention the hammock? Yeah. It's all so good. I seriously love it. Really, nothing better could happen to me.

   But I didn't really ever want to leave my other house. It was where I grew up! But I guess life must go on!!

   So if any of y'all out there are moving, just know somebody in the world feels your pain/excitement.

                          Have a great one!

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